Sustainable Development Solutions Center
Sustainable Development Solutions Center is a New York based policy advisory facility at the New School focused on climate change, infrastructure economics and finance,…
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) was established in March 1998 under an initiative of the Japanese government and with the support of…
International Society for Industrial Ecology
The mission of the ISIE is to promote the use of industrial ecology in research, education, policy, community development, and industrial practices. In order…
German Development Institute|Deutsches Institut fur Entwicklungspolitik
The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) is a leading thinktank for global development and international cooperation, located in Bonn Germany.
Beyond Rust, Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Fate of Industrial America
“The twentieth-century story of metropolitan Pittsburgh is fascinating and instructive, and nowhere is it told as completely as Dieterich-Ward has done here.”—David Stradling, University…
German Institute for Economic Research
The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) is one of the leading economic research institutions in Germany. Its core mandates are applied economic…
National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA)
NIRSA, established in 2001 and centered in Maynooth University, is a collaborative partnership of scholars from a number of social science disciplines located in four…
Re-Framing Urban Inclusion in India
Re-Framing Urban Inclusion, a project of the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, is a collaborative, multi-year research project, supported by the Ford Foundation, to develop a catalog of 36 original teaching and learning cases. These cases will give urban practitioners insights into policy realities and emerging forms of urban practice across India and the global South.
The Restoration Economy
From the Center for Urban & Regional Studies (CURS), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill According to CURS Faculty Fellows Todd BenDor and T. William Lester,…