UN World Population Estimate, The 2015 Revision
The Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat publishes the UN Population Estimate every two years to provide…
New OECD Insights Book: Income Inequality
Income inequality is rising. A quarter of a century ago, the average disposable income of the richest 10% in OECD countries was around seven…
Sheela Patel – The Federation Model of Community Organizing (Slum Dwellers International)
In the past two decades through a process called “Enumeration” through which the members collect at city level data about slums, Slum Dwellers International…
Mapping for Food Safety in Nairobi
How and why communities in Nairobi’s informal settlements are creating and using maps to ensure their food and the people who sell it are…
SSRN: New Environment, Science & Policy eJournal
a new Hebrew Research Network (HRN) Subject Matter eJournal ENVIRONMENT, SCIENCE & POLICY eJOURNAL View Papers: http://ssrn.com/link/HRN-ESP.html Subscribe: http://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=HRN-ESP Editors: Shachar Bookman, Editor of…
Season 3 of UN-Habitat Urban Lectures launches
UPCOMING URBAN LECTURE RELEASES: 29 January: Steffen Lehmann, architect and urban designer 12 February: Ana Falu, National University of Argentina, Cordoba 26 February:…
Bringing innovations in funding to government, developing world
USAID’s Global Development Lab is bringing private-sector investment strategies to developing countries. The USAID Global Development Lab, less than two years old, is bringing…
China’s Cloud: a Milestone in Urban Technology Innovation
The flight marks a major milestone in urban space technology. Luan Lin, chief technology officer of KuangChi Science, said that the system can be widely used in geographical surveying, traffic and wildfire monitoring, natural disasters and rescue missions.
C40 2015 Cities Awards
The 2015 C40 Cities Awards took place during the COP21 meeting in Paris. The awards specifically aim to share highly replicable ‘best practices’ across…
Bloomberg Philanthropies Expands ‘What Works Cities’
Today, Bloomberg Philanthropies announced that mayors from thirteen American cities have been selected to join What Works Cities and have publicly committed to enhance…