This notice sets out guidelines, timetable, and process for the elections being overseen by the GAP Electors.
For questions or comments related to GAP elections and for other communications or information exchange use this address:
Information on GAP Executive Council election years is posted HERE
During its May meeting in Nairobi, held at the time of the UN Habitat Assembly, the Executive Committee of the General Assembly of Partners (GAP) decided two actions:
- to extend the terms of the ExCo member by one year for each class, so that the respective classes will be: PCG co-chair one and the vice president 2020 (formerly up in 2019) and PCG co-chair two and the president 2021 (formerly up in 2020)
- to allow each PCG to opt to have an election or retain its current PCGs.
GAP ExCo took these actions in light of its own proposed organizational changes and those of UN Habitat related to its new governance and soon-to-be-adopted framework for stakeholder engagement. (See attachment at end of this memo for current ExCo and classes).
The following PCGs that have decided to hold elections governed by the GAP Electors:
- Persons with Disabilities
- Older Persons
Functions of the Co-Chairs
Co-chair responsibilities may be found in the GAP Constitution found here. In summary, there are four major responsibilities, as follows:
- Preside over the Partner Constituent Group (PCG)
- Facilitate and coordinate in a transparent and inclusive manner the operations of the PCG, including with the members and between the co-chairs and active communication with members as stipulated in the Terms of Reference found
- Support membership recruitment efforts
- Support implementation of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) and the associated global agreements at the local level (Note, we will be updating the TORs to reflect the change in wording in the Goals and Objectives approved last month by the ExCo)
Other expectations for the functioning of the PCGs are also described, including the requirement to approve PCG membership applications, participate in GAP governance by serving on the Executive Council, and provide an annual report to the Executive Committee concerning the activities of the PCG. Specific activities envisioned are stipulated in the GAP by-laws as shown here.[1] Anyone wishing to serve as PCG Co-Chair must understand that there is a significant time commitment in order to carry out these responsibilities.
PCG Co-Chairs serve for two-year terms, with staggered end dates, so that one Co-Chair continues as the other is up for election or re-election.
PCG Co-Chair Qualifications and Process
To run for election as a PCG Co-Chair, the candidates must have the following qualifications:
- Be a member of that PCG
- Provide a 250-word statement of interest which outlines the candidate’s experience, vision and reason for interest in this leadership position. Note: The statements are to be strictly limited to 250 words in order to ensure fairness to all in the election process.
- Attach to the 250-word statement
- a list of other leadership roles in organizations or networks, including identification of potential conflicts of interest
- A declaration that she/he is a voting member of the PCG for which the election is being held and that she/he is a member of that PCG only.
Candidates’ statements will be posted on the GAP website and distributed to the membership of the PCGs having elections.
To stand for election, once the qualifying criteria are fulfilled, the candidate may be either self-nominated or nominated by an organization within the PCG.
Key Dates
- September 2, 2019 – Each PCG publishes its election process as a public record on the GAP website. This must align with the timing of the GAP election process. (Send information to NOTE: The posting of this information has been delayed due to administrative issues. It should be available shortly.
- September 9, 2019 – Electors send information about the elections using current membership lists and attaching the terms of reference and issue a call for nominations.
- September 21, 2019 – Nominations close. Electors announce nominees to GAP membership.
- September 28, 2019 – Time period for nominees to post their statements and required materials on the website closes.
- September 28, 2019 – September 30, 2019 – PCG voting takes place electronically according to the PCG election process, administered electronically by the Electors with ballots provided to the eligible members as certified by the PCG in accordance with its election process
- October 1, 2019 – Electors announce the results
In accordance with the GAP by-laws, the Executive Council has designated two Electors from the GAP membership to oversee the election process. They are Luisa Bravo, member of Academic and Research PCG, and Judith Hermanson, member of Civil Society PCG.
[1] Please note: The Terms of Reference for the Co-Chairs and Executive Council are at the end of the document. Some aspects, such as the timing of the elections and terms, are in the process of being updated by the Executive Council. The substance of the responsibilities is current.