
The General Assembly of Partners (GAP) is a global
deliberative assembly of partners that brings non-governmental partners together in order to contribute to the Habitat III Conference and its preparatory meetings and contribute to the New Urban Agenda’, the outcome document of the conference to be held in Quito, Ecuador in October, 2016.

September 2019 UPDATE: Notice to GAP Membership: ELECTIONS The following two PCGs will conduct their elections according to their customs and transmit the process to the electors for publication on the GAP website: Persons with Disabilities and Older Persons.

Please click HERE for information on guidelines, timetables, and process for the election being overseen by the GAP Electors.


The General Assembly of Partners (GAP) fulfills its goals by:

  1. Assembling civil society and non-governmental representatives organized in Partner
    Constituent Groups to contribute to the Habitat III Conference;
  2. Providing an official channel for stakeholder engagement and collaboration with the
    Habitat III Conference Bureau, Secretary General and Secretariat,
  3. Developing common positions and enabling collaboration and discussion of shared
    experiences to facilitate and identify consensus among the representatives about
    sustainable urbanization, and other topics related to Habitat III through participatory
    deliberative processes;
  4. Elaborating and adopting position statements to contribute to preparations for the Habitat
    III Conference and the New Urban Agenda;
  5. Building such statements on antecedent documents including The Future We Want, The
    City We Need, the future Framework for Post 2015 Development and considering all inputs
    provided by each Partner Constituent Group and by National Urban Campaigns
  6. Advocating for and publicizing any collective position that may emerge during the GAP
    process to the Habitat III Conference and associated programs via all available channels;
  7. Creating governance and management arrangements to accomplish the organization’s aims
    and objectives.

GAP consists of 16 Partner Constituent Groups (PCG) with members from the United Nations’ nine major groups, the Habitat Agenda Partners and other relevant stakeholders.  For more information, see the PCG profile pages below.

  1. Business and Industries
  2. Children and Youth
  3. Civil Society Organizations
  4. Farmers
  5. Foundations and Philanthropies
  6. Grass Roots Organizations
  7. Indigenous People
  8. Local and Sub-National Authorities
  9. Media
  10. Older Persons
  11. Parliamentarians
  12. Persons with Disabilities
  13. Professionals
  14. Trade Unions and Workers
  15. Research and Academia
  16. Women
  17. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

News related to GAP and the 17 Constituent Groups will be added regularly, and are searchable throughout the Commons website. GAP members profiles are searchable on the Member page under Type: General Assembly of Partners

More information about Habitat III can be found here.